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Experience Bengal With Bangla Canvas.

West Bengal which is located in the east of India is a home to a variety of art and craft. Every district of this beautiful state is engaged in art, from bamboo to metal and from cane to sandalwood, anything or everything here is used to make artifacts and handicrafts. Terracotta from Bankura, sitalpati from Kuchbihar , senthal art from Medinipur, are just few examples of the art work present there.

Not only decorative items or artifacts West Bengal is also famous for is beautiful range of handwoven sarees and handmade jwellery. Like Garad saree which is also known as the laal pare saree and worn by most of the bengali women on festivals specially in Durga puja is from Mursidabad, Tasar saree which are held special for their floral and paisley motifs and a crisp texture is from Malda destrict which is also located in West Bengal just like these there are many other like Tant, Dhakai Jamdani etc.

To experience all these craft work you need to visit West Bengal but is it possible to always go there whenever you want? The answer will be a NO right ? But if you love art and want to experience the beauty of the art of bengal you need to visit the newly opened Bangla Canvas craft store at C R Park, market number 1.

They have a wide range of crafts such as paintings, hand made bags, senthal art paintings, terracotta art sculputres, sitalpati folders, jute bags, khadi tote bags, handmade authentic jewellery. They also have a wide collection of authentic sarees from Bengal. They also have begali food items like narkel naru, kuler achar, kasundi, etc.

To explore more you can visit the shop and check the video given below.

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কলকাতা মানেই কালী। আর তাই কালী কলকাত্তাওয়ালী। প্রচলিত এই বাক্যবন্ধই বুঝিয়ে দেয় যে কলকাতা আর কালীর সম্পর্ক কতটা প্রাচীন। কিন্তু কোথায় সেই কলকাতার কালী। জঙ্গলাকীর্ণ কলকাতায় কালীই পূজিতা। আর সেক্ষেত্রে য

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